He Popped the Question… for Homecoming

Homecoming. A time of dances, parties, football and elaborate everything. Homecoming involves traditions such as mums and garters, parades, corsages and boutonnieres, and obviously a new one, getting asked to homecoming in a special way. Of course the dance is important and all, but being asked to homecoming is really very crucial to the girls of today’s society, high school society that is.

Months before homecoming are when preparation begins for the amenity to come, for the girls at least. At least one month in advance, the average high school girl has already investigated the Nordstrom Racks for dress ideas, if not the dress itself. The dress almost always comes first. Next is the date. With the progression of the years, being asked to homecoming is becoming increasingly more ornate. The guys have to get crafty. One creative junior is Roby Worley. He asked his date with ways that involved a copious amount of flower petals, sticky letters, and fancy attire to boot. He said that “It took a while to set up everything in order to make it a surprise and it took a lot of phone calls but it was fun in the end and worth it.” Worley’s date attends Heath so he did not have to go through the new outside date policy this year but he believes it to be a “reasonable” rule because of the crowd capacity. Junior Sydney Brown on the other hand has a date from a different school and said she doesn’t like it “because it’s hard to get permission from the other school and get the letter back in time.” Many students at heath are having a problem with the Date Policy but it may end up working itself out in the end.

If you want to hear the opinions behind the exorbitance of effort that the guys have to put in to asking girls to homecoming, you would need to listen to both the girls and the guy’s side. It must be admitted, but if it were up to the men of Heath, being asked to homecoming wouldn’t be a big deal at all. “It’s a simple question. Just ask her.” Says Junior Keith Allen. Truly, it is just a question. But in a girl’s eyes it’s more. “It’s special!” Says Lindsey Archuleta. The amount of time and energy that is put into buying the dress, coordinating the limo, reserving dinner, and ordering the boutonnieres and garters, it ends up being a lot of planning in the end. Being asked in a special way makes it worth it.

Honestly, who doesn’t want to be asked to homecoming? Sharing the night with someone else, even if it is just a friend, is a great memory to have. The dance is Sonja Avramov’s favorite part of homecoming. “Everyone is having so much fun and it’s a party.” After all of the asking and preparations, the dance is sure to pay off with great music and the awesome theme of Alice in Wonderland.

Homecoming is a tradition at Rockwall-Heath that you look forward to from middle school stages. The amount of energy and time and thought that goes into the week and the dance always pays off in the end with a memorable night of dancing, being yourself and just having fun. Homecoming will always be a great high school memory to look back on and cherish when you think of the good ole days.

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