The History of the Christmas Tree
Camille DeBose
December 15, 2009
As you all know, the holidays are a time of celebration and tradition. But where do all of these timeless customs come from? For example, why do we put trees in our houses and decorate them every year? Christmas trees have a lot of history behind them. The Christmas tree actually came from Germany.... Read more »
Dear Reader , Read Dear John
Ashley Robinson
December 15, 2009
Dear John is one of the best Nicholas Sparks books. It’s well written, very creative and very touching. It’s an incredible story about a boy named John Tyree who is a rebel that gets into trouble. He joins the army because he doesn’t know what else to do. He meets an amazing girl named Savannah... Read more »
New Moon is out for blood
Sydney Allen, Senior Editor in Chief
December 14, 2009
The newest Twilight movie, New Moon, premiered in late November to record numbers, proving that the promise of a shirtless male and romance can still attract moviegoers in the age of Transformers-esque special effects and bawdy comedies. Teenage vampire fans all over the world flooded theatres to witness... Read more »
Hawks Hit it Big in the Stock Market
Linda Rodgers, Staff Contributor
December 10, 2009
Rockwall Heath Marketing Students Taylor Ford and Austin McPherson won 1st place in the 9-12 division of the Dallas Regional Stock Market Game Program. Students will be honored at the Annual Stock Market Game Awards Banquet at the Tower Club in Dallas sponsored by Merrill Lynch and the Texas Council... Read more »
Senior Class Hosts 1st Annual “Tour of Homes”
Leah Voth, Advisor
December 9, 2009
On Friday, December 4th, the Senior Class held a fundraiser that emerged as a highly successful event and will undoubtedly become an annual event for the graduating classes to come. The “Holiday Tour of Homes” featured 5 premier homes in the Heath area, including: former Heath Mayor Chris... Read more »
McCoy and Johnson: Neck and Neck
Wesley Lacson, Junior Staff Writer
December 9, 2009
The fans were filing out of the stands after the fourth quarter ticked down to zero. The two opposing quarterbacks, only moments removed from being mortal enemies, meet at centerfield and high-five like the college kids everyone forgot they are. It was a sign of mutual respect, a knowledge that they’d... Read more »
Why “Gay” is Totally Not Okay to Say
Tiler Bates, Senior Staff Writer
December 9, 2009
Often, just because things are popular, it doesn’t make them right. Think of segregation during the civil rights era. Today, we know that segregation is wrong and we promote equality among humans. Just because many teens use the word “gay” as being synonymous to lame or un-cool, doesn’t make... Read more »
No Bah Humbug Here: Disney’s A Christmas Carol
Emily Compton
December 9, 2009
I had planned on viewing this movie at the rundown, but charming movie theater in Marysville, Kansas over Thanksgiving break. Much to my dismay, the theater was only showing Old Dogs, Planet 51, and New Moon (check out Sydney Allen’s review of the second installment of the Twilight Saga). Instead,... Read more »
Why “Gay” is Totally Okay
Ashly Fouse Senior Assistant Editor-in-Chief
December 9, 2009
“That’s so gay” or “You’re gay” can probably be heard within 5 minutes of entering any high school in America. To most teens, and adults for that matter, gay is a common, accepted term meaning weird or stupid, in the sense of being un-cool. However the use of the word gay as a synonym for... Read more »
Harley and the Head of Heath
Krissy Edwards
December 8, 2009
The Rockwall Heath Cheerleaders and Mascot Harley Hawk (Chandler Cox) attended the Heath Tree Lighting on Friday, December 4th. Mayor Ratcliffe posed for a picture with Harley Hawk. The Cheerleaders and Harley passed out glow necklaces to all the children.