Senior Bailie Bridges is president of FCCLA, an officer in Chain Reaction Club, and Operation Smile. She is a bright, smart student that goes out of her way to help people. She does not do it because she has to, but because she wants to and she does it with a smile.

FCCLA stands for Family Career Community Leaders of America. It is a club based around serving others and it is very dear to Bridge’s heart. For Bridges, it feels amazing to be a part of a club where everyone’s main focus is not about themselves, but about others. This club is  family oriented and acts as a team. FCCLA director Mrs. Durst has a way of making each and every one of us feel special. To Bridges, Mrs. Durst is not just an advisor, she is a role model and students look up to her. Bridges joined FCCLA because she was enrolled in a class, but she instantly fell in love with the club. Bridges loves FCCLA and everything it stands for.

FCCLA has several different things going on, like their monthly meetings. At the meeting on September 14th, 2011, Bridges talked about voting for Senior Beau and Sweetheart and float ideas for the homecoming float. Bridges is in charge of numerous things in FCCLA and gives 100-percent every single time. She dedicates time much to the club and she feels like it is well worth it. Durst helps, but gives the members a great deal of control. Bridges makes things easy for people associated with the club and is very thankful for FCCLA. She loves what she does for FCCLA and would not give up a second of it.

FCCLA has several senior officers, like vice president Brieonna Wall. At the meeting Wall described the point system; the point system is for every meeting a member attends, they get a point. At the end of the year, the member with the most points gets “member of the year”. This system helps students, because they feel like they are doing something for the club and they get to be recognized for what they do. Secretary Makayla Johnson takes the minutes for each meeting. Social chair Lexie Swiercinsky is the sweetheart for FCCLA. Annie Fiedler is in charge of Star Events; Star Events shows off your abilities in the club. These officers are devoted to this club and it shows.

FCCLA has oodles of activities that the members are a huge part of. Historian Ashley Piper takes all the pictures for  FCCLA . Kirsten Fladeland is in charge of community service. FCCLA does things for others and they are very good at organizing the events like socials. Socials are activities where any members can go and have fun and get to know each other better. At their last social, they played laser tag and are now getting ready for Domestic Violence week. They do fun things, such as shopping or bowling. Every year they go to NorthPark Mall to shop and hang out. FCCLA is enjoyable, entertaining way to meet new friends.

Bridges does so much for FCCLA, as well as Mrs. Durst and they love every single moment of it. Bridges is excited to see everything play out and see the activities become realities. Bridges is sad, because she will be graduating and it is her last year in FCCLA, but Bridges will leave big shoes for next year to fill.

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