Pride Patrol Honors Child Nutrition Employee and Fellow Hawk, Joyce Ford  

Photo Credit: Leah Voth

Photo Caption: Heath Student Council Pride Patrol Members, back row left to right: Blake Adams, Bryce Leonard, Aaron Stubbs, Caitlin Lozano, and Megan Higbee; front row, left to right: Sarah Hunter, Annabelle Baker, Mackenzie Long, Sage Wells, Morgan Thomas, and Kenzie Woessner, join honoree Joyce Ford (center).

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Leah Voth, Faculty Member
April 13, 2015
Filed under Clubs & Organizations, Top Stories

It is very cool when children are the initiators of various events or greetings, which, for example, happened. This creates a certain extracurricular discourse where they discuss, laugh, joke. To learn why extracurricular activities and communication between children are so important, contact But if it's a thesis, then it's "unloading" and rethinking plans, and you shouldn't forget that children are "children", and learning is important, but it's not the only thing in life.

They staged it so that she would have a line full of her “usual customers” when they sprang from their hiding spot around the corner of the cafeteria on April 8th. The group of 11 students, accompanied by Student Council sponsor Leah Voth and Assistant Principal Tracey Black, shocked and surprised the very popular “cafeteria lady,” Miss Joyce Ford as they interrupted her a hectic part of her day for a very worthwhile celebration.


The idea was born in 4th period Student Leadership, when class members were brainstorming individuals who were seldom recognized but who did their job enthusiastically and well.


“You know who I thought of?” Junior Bryce Leonard said, “The lady in the cafeteria line who is always so sweet and smiling, EVERY time I go through.”


Other students chimed in with their agreement and provided a physical description. Through a little investigation, “the lady” was identified as Miss Joyce Ford, who has worked in the Rockwall-Heath Food Services Department for 5 years.


“Joyce has been employed here for 5 years now and I have worked with her every day since she began working here. She is one of the most pleasant people I have ever worked with. She is polite and helpful to every student that comes through her line and then some. Some students ask her to warm their cookies and she always does with a smile on her face. They really seem to like her a lot. She is very dependable, shows up for work every day. She is just a joy to have here,” RHHS Child Nutrition Manager Dorothy Radisovich said.


Joyce received a min rosebush in “Heath Hawks Red,” her framed tribute, and the signature Pride Patrol t-shirt. She was all smiles as she joined the committee members for a photo, but quickly jumped back to her obligations for those Hawks who patiently waited to pay for their purchases.


“Even though she deals with high school students who can moody and disrespectful, Miss Joyce always has a smile for those who come through her line,” Sophomore Student Council Member Grayson Smartt said.


“I loved being a part of the Pride Patrol. It gives us a chance to recognize people for their everyday efforts that benefit the RISD school district and are often overlooked! Just seeing the look on her face did it all!” Senior Student Council Member Sarah Hunter said.


“I really enjoy being a part of Pride Patrol because it lets me really appreciate what the faculty and staff do for the students of RISD,” Senior Student Council Secretary Aaron Stubbs said.


“Joyce is one of the lunch ladies who shows the true meaning of a Hawk.  When students come through her lunch line, even when students can be rude, she always has a smile on her face and cares for each of the students in this school!” Junior Student Council Member Chelsea Sumpon said.


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