Once In a Lifetime: Highsteppers Outshine Fergie
February 9, 2011
Filed under Student Life, Top Stories
Photo provided by Karen Starnes
On Sunday, February 6, 2011, the Highsteppers performed during the Super Bowl half time show. The team was only one of five dance teams invited to perform. Dressed in lighted neon dance suits, the dancers literally outshined Fergie of the Black Eyed Peas. In anticipation of the performance, Principal Tom Maglisceau bragged that they would be “Probably out-dancing Ferige with their mad skills.” We think he was right. Great job girls!
Photo provided by Karen Starnes
from left to right: Rachel Smith (Jr. Lieutenant), Kirsten Peek (Lieutenant), Emiley Jurgensmeyer (Sr. Lieutenant), Taylor Short (Captain), Savannah Jones (First Lieutenant), Victoria Pulley (Jr. Lieutenant) & Kristina Starnes (Jr. Lieutenant). Photo provided by Karen Starnes